Tecnologías hidrotermales para la conversión y aprovechamiento del sustrato postcultivo de champiñón y setas.
Plagas del cultivo de champiñón
Control químico y biológico de enfermedades del cultivo de champiñón.
Biotech Tools for the Cultivation of Macromycetes
Valorization of agricultural waste through hydrothermal treatment
Micosylvicutural actions towards the conservation and sustainable cultivation of unique species (MicoAction)
Exploring the Potential of Bacillus velezensis as a Bioinoculant for Enhanced Mushroom Cultivation in a Post-Peat Era
Hydrothermal liquefaction of spent mushroom substrate as a source of antifungals
Centro de Investigación Agroforestal de Albaladejito
Ctra. Toledo-Cuenca, km 174
16194 – Cuenca (España)
Teléfono: 969 17 77 67
Fax: 969 17 70 85
Correo Electrónico: calbaladejito@jccm.es
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Directorio CIAF