Effect of timing of drought stress during dormancy on starch storage
in grapevine
Agronomic evaluation and chemical characterization of Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl. over 3 consecutive years cultivated under harsh climatic conditions in southeast Spain
Comprehensive study on the potential of domesticated clones of rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus Spenn.): Implications for large-scale production and waste recovery in the development of plant-based agrochemicals
Essential oils of lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia Emeric ex Loisel.) of Spain: a case study on clones ´Grosso´ and ´Super´
Selection of populations of Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl. based on crop adaptations, phenolic chemotypes and biological capacities of the distillation by-products
Antifeedant activity of guayule resin and its compounds against the agricultural pest Labidostomis lusitanica
Juniperus communis L. essential oils in the Natura 2000 site ‘Serranía de Cuenca’ (Central Spain)
Salvia x accidentalis Sánchez Gómez & Morales nothosubsp. albaladejitoi (Labiatae), nova
Agronomic evaluation and chemical characterization of Lavandula latifolia Medik. under the semiarid conditions of the Spanish southeast
Comparison of the phenolic composition and biological capacities of wastewater from Origanum vulgare L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl. and Thymus mastichina L. resulting from two hydrodistillation systems: Clevenger and MAE
Efecto del agua en period invernal en el cultivo de la vid
Estudio de distintas variedades de lavandín y estrategias de fertilización.
Phenological Changes in the Biosynthesis and Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils
Diversidad fotoquímica de la Salvia española. Perfil químico de los aceites esenciales de la especie Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl.
Variedades de lavandín: estudio de calidades y rendimientos.
Cultivo da lavanda: qualidade e produtividade do óleo esencial
Cultivo ecológico de plantas aromáticas y medicinales
Natural Product-Based Biopesticides for Insect Control (ver artículo)
LAVANDA: calidad y rendimientos del aceite esencial
Ecological production of lavenders in Cuenca province (Spain). A study of yield production and quality of the essential oils
Centro de Investigación Agroforestal de Albaladejito
Ctra. Toledo-Cuenca, km 174
16194 – Cuenca (España)
Teléfono: 969 17 77 67
Fax: 969 17 70 85
Correo Electrónico: calbaladejito@jccm.es
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